Hallowed Grounds

Hallowed Grounds

Hallowed Grounds







Jeff A. Watkins

Condreal Original


The Story

Never before has America seen such an escalation from simplicity to success. In the span of a single generation, a plethora of young men have racked up accolades, skyrocketed to fame, and become noteworthy influencers. Such success on this scale would usually take a wealth of resources or the legacy of wealth itself. Yet neither were the source of these boys becoming prestigious men. In the heart of Mount Vernon laid an unexpected temple of excellence that empowered young boys to surpass predisposed expectations and establish an unshakable standard of overachievement. The young men that mentored them did not have professional experience, certified leadership skills, or technical expertise. Yet despite these underdog circumstances and the struggles these young leaders faced, they fostered the growth of a future two-time Academy Award-winning actor, an Emmy award-winning actor, 10 NBA basketball players, one Olympic gold medalist, two city mayors, and many more. Inside its doors, an inexplicable spiritual connection was formed that brought a community together, made a family out of stranger, and forged bonds that will last forever. This was the Mount Vernon Boy’s Club and this success story needs to be heard.

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