Based on True Events

Based on True Events

Based on True Events

Based on True Events

Based on True Events


A self-funded shelter in Gressier, Haiti, the protective cradle of salvation to a group of victimized orphan girls, is abruptly infiltrated by the murderous corrupt acts of a sinister network of child organ traffickers. It’s up to the newest volunteer from a similarly troubled past, and the orphanage’s courageous heroine to unravel the ruse plotted against it to save the now vulnerable children and maintain her life’s work.

A Film


Early production


Financing Advantages

The film presents a truly unique and unprecedented financing arrangement highlighted by funding provided by the nationalized Dominican Film Law, which eliminated the participation of traditional equity investors and replaced them with national corporations that have recouped 100% of their investment through government issued tax credits.

Cultural Advantages

The inroduction of the film comes at a time where culturally accurate, and inclusive content is being recognized like no other time in history. The subject matter and execution organically serve the US, Latin American, European, and African markets through the use of three major languages (english, spanish, french/creole). The diverse cast and hard-hitting themes appeal to partners seeking to participate in projects that entertain while educating and empowering a broad spectrum of people largely unsees, until now.

Social Cause

The represents a campaign that connects and educates on the real life trauma of RESTAVEKS: Children that have been sold and are currently living in modern day slavery. This movement accompanied with a pipeline of dynamic, rich, and thought-provoking content will raise awareness that creates conversations while sparking action. The organic component of social outreach and public relations for the film includes: Subject matter experts, activists, social-minded influencers, film cast, producers, and the voices of thsoe who are directly impacted by human trafficking.

Other works

Motion Design Reel

Motion Design Reel

Motion Design

Four Square Miles to Glory

Four Square Miles to Glory


Motion Design Reel

Motion Design

Four Square Miles to Glory


Motion Design Reel

Motion Design

Four Square Miles to Glory


Motion Design Reel

Motion Design

Four Square Miles to Glory
